- One hand-held visible spectrometer with 8-bit 5-megapixel camera
- Visible absorption spectrometry
- One year of free software upgrades
Delivery at 90 days ARO.

AAH-300A for visible absorption
Wavelength Range
430 nm to 650 nm.
Intensity-dependent. 3 nm at high light levels, 20 nm at
low light levels.
Proprietary, supplied with instrument. Ergonomic version
under development; version operable by trained
spectrometrist delivered with current instruments.
Software updates supplied as available at no charge
during first year of ownership.
Operating System/
Other Requirements
Works with Intel/AMD Windows computers with
USB 3.0 hardware and drivers. Minimum screen size
is 1024 by 768 pixels. Windows 7, 8.1, or 10 acceptable.
For more information on SpectroClick Spectrometers, watch this video:
Capability Summary